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Beyond Tech - Mastering Consulting Skills

This online course is designed for IT professionals and aspiring leaders looking to enhance their consulting skills and advance their careers in the technology industry.


Beyond Tech: Mastering Consulting Skills is a comprehensive online course designed to equip IT professionals with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in consulting roles.


You will learn proven strategies for effective communication, client engagement, and project management, empowering you to navigate complex consulting environments with confidence and success.


With self-paced modules and practical exercises, this course is ideal for individuals seeking to take their career to the next level on their own terms.

Exceptional Consulting Skills - Master Class

Online Modules

Unlock your potential with our self-paced online modules, meticulously designed to cover essential consulting skills and strategies.  Each module is crafted to guide you through the core aspects of consulting, from foundational principles to advanced techniques, allowing you to progress at your own pace.

Flexible Schedule

Dive into our comprehensive consulting curriculum without the pressure of deadlines or the constraints of traditional learning schedules. Whether you're an early bird who thrives in the quiet hours of the morning or a night owl who finds inspiration after dark, our platform is accessible 24/7, ensuring that you can learn when it's most convenient for you.

Resources & Tools

We believe that the right resources and tools are the cornerstone of effective learning and professional growth. That's why we've equipped our platform with an extensive collection of materials designed to enrich your understanding and enhance your skills as an exceptional consultant.

Elevate Your Consulting Game:

Enroll in Our Consulting Skills Course Today and Transform Your Career!

Exceptional Consulting Skills Modules

11 Recorded Videos with Assessments and Worksheets


Module 1: Introduction to Consulting Excellence

Welcome to the beginning of your transformative journey into the world of consulting. This introductory module sets the stage for what will be an enlightening exploration of the skills, strategies, and principles that define successful consulting. Whether you're aspiring to become a consultant or looking to refine your existing skills, this course is designed to elevate your consulting practice to new heights.

By the end of this module, you'll have a solid foundation and a clear direction for your journey toward consulting excellence. You're not just starting a course; you're embarking on a path to becoming an exceptional consultant who makes a real difference in the business world.

Let's get started on this exciting journey together. Welcome to the Introduction to Consulting Excellence.



Module 2: Foundations

Welcome to Module 2 of your journey, where we delve into the core principles that lay the groundwork for exceptional consulting success. In this module, titled "Foundations," we focus on two pivotal success principles: Taking 100% Responsibility and Maintaining a High Level of Integrity. These principles are not just foundational to your career in consulting; they are the bedrock upon which all professional achievements are built.

Taking 100% Responsibility
Embrace the power of owning your actions, decisions, and outcomes. In this section, we explore how taking full responsibility for your professional journey can transform challenges into opportunities and setbacks into stepping-stones. Learn practical strategies to implement this principle in your day-to-day consulting practice, ensuring that you are always part of the solution.

Maintaining a High Level of Integrity
Integrity is the cornerstone of trust and credibility in the consulting world. Discover the importance of aligning your actions with your values and the impact this has on building lasting relationships with clients. Through real-world examples and actionable tips, we'll show you how to uphold the highest standards of integrity, making it your most valuable asset.

By the end of this module, you'll have a deeper understanding of how these foundational principles can guide your actions and set you apart in the field of consulting. Get ready to build a solid foundation for your success.

Embark on the next step of your journey with Exceptional Transformations in our enlightening Module 3: 'Profile of an Exceptional Consultant.' This module is meticulously designed to not only unveil the essence of what makes a consultant not just good, but truly exceptional in the eyes of their clients but also to set the stage for a deep dive into the world of consulting excellence. Discover the pivotal factors that set apart the best in the business, and begin to embody these qualities in your own consulting practice.

What Makes a Consultant Exceptional
The journey to becoming an exceptional consultant begins with understanding the unique blend of skills, attributes, and mindsets that distinguish the best from the rest. In this opening section, we explore the key characteristics that define exceptional consultants, including their ability to anticipate client needs, adapt to changing environments, and deliver results that exceed expectations. Learn how to cultivate these traits within yourself, setting a solid foundation for your growth and success in the consulting world.

Understanding Why Clients Hire Consultants
Begin with a comprehensive exploration into the mind of your potential clients. Learn the core reasons behind why organizations and individuals seek the expertise of consultants, from seeking solutions to complex problems to requiring guidance through transformative changes. This knowledge will empower you to align your services with the needs and expectations of your clients, ensuring you become an indispensable asset to their success.

Preserving a Professional Consulting Image
The consulting industry thrives on professionalism and trust. This section of the module delves into the key components essential for maintaining and projecting a professional image that resonates with clients. From the nuances of effective communication and presentation to the importance of ethical conduct and continuous learning, discover how to cultivate an image that not only attracts clients but also fosters long-term relationships built on confidence and respect.

In 'Profile of an Exceptional Consultant,' we go beyond the basics to equip you with the insights and strategies needed to stand out in a competitive landscape. This module is crafted to inspire you to reflect on your personal and professional growth, encouraging you to embody the qualities that define an exceptional consultant in the business and finance sector.

Join us in Module 3 to unlock the secrets of becoming an exceptional consultant, one who not only meets but exceeds client expectations, paving the way for a rewarding and impactful consulting career.

Welcome to Module 4: 'The Exceptional Consultant's Code of Conduct and the 20 Axioms'—a cornerstone module designed by Exceptional Transformations that delves into the ethical and operational blueprint of a successful consultant in the business and finance industry. This module is not just about learning the rules; it's about understanding the principles that guide exceptional consultants in making decisions that earn trust, respect, and lasting relationships with clients.

The Exceptional Consultant's Code of Conduct: Explore the heart of consulting ethics and professionalism through our comprehensive Code of Conduct. This section is dedicated to instilling a deep understanding of the ethical considerations and professional standards that define the consulting practice. Learn how to navigate complex situations with integrity, confidentiality, and an unwavering commitment to your client's best interests, setting the foundation for a reputable and sustainable consulting career.

The 20 Axioms of Exceptional Consulting: Dive into the 20 Axioms that every consultant should live by. These principles are more than just guidelines; they are the bedrock of successful consulting practices. From fostering genuine client relationships to maintaining a mindset of continuous improvement, each axiom is designed to challenge and inspire you to achieve excellence in your consulting endeavors. Embrace these principles to not only enhance your consulting skills but also to elevate your impact on the clients and organizations you serve.

In 'The Exceptional Consultant's Code of Conduct and the 20 Axioms,' we go beyond the basics to provide you with a profound understanding of what it means to be an exceptional consultant. This module is crafted to refine your professional ethos and operational approach, ensuring you're equipped to navigate the consulting world with confidence and distinction.

Embark on this enlightening journey with us in Module 4, and transform your consulting practice by integrating the core values and axioms that exemplify the essence of exceptional consulting. This is your opportunity to stand out as a beacon of professionalism, integrity, and excellence in the competitive landscape of business and finance consulting.


Module 5: Mastering Functional Design Documents (FDD) for Business Application Enhancements

In the dynamic world of business application consulting, the ability to accurately scope, design, and document enhancements or customizations to business applications can set you apart. Module 5 of our Consulting Skills Course, titled "Functional Design Documents," is your key to unlocking this crucial skill set.

What You'll Learn:

High-Level Estimation Techniques: Before diving into the design process, it's essential to understand the scope and resources required. This module will guide you through the process of creating accurate high-level estimates, ensuring your projects start on the right foot.

Key Components of FDD: Dive deep into the anatomy of an effective Functional Design Document. Learn about the essential elements that make up an FDD, from requirements gathering to defining success criteria, ensuring that your documentation speaks clearly to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Maintaining the FDD Story: Discover techniques to maintain a consistent tone, terminology, and level of detail throughout the document. This consistency is key to avoiding confusion and ensuring that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the project scope and requirements.

Why This Module Is Essential:

Whether you're consulting on customizations or enhancements to existing business applications, the ability to craft clear, comprehensive, and adaptable Functional Design Documents is indispensable.

This module is designed to empower you with the skills needed to create FDDs that not only document the project but also tell a compelling story of its evolution. By maintaining a clear, consistent, and detailed narrative, you'll ensure that your Functional Design Documents serve as a valuable roadmap for all stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle.

Join us in Module 5 to elevate your consulting skills to new heights, ensuring your projects are not just successful, but exceptional.


Module 6: Navigating the Emotions of Projects

In the intricate world of business finance consulting, the success of a project often hinges not just on technical expertise and strategic planning, but also on the ability to navigate the complex emotional landscape of a project. Module 6, "Emotions of Projects," delves into the often-overlooked emotional dimensions of project management, offering insights and strategies to manage expectations, perceptions, and the inevitable scope creep with emotional intelligence.

What You'll Learn:

Understanding the Emotional Lifecycle: Every project goes through an emotional journey, from the initial excitement to the stress of deadlines and the satisfaction of completion. Learn how to identify and manage these emotional phases to maintain team morale and project momentum.

Expectations Management: Setting and managing expectations is crucial in maintaining positive relationships with clients and team members. This section provides techniques for clear communication and setting realistic expectations from the outset, reducing friction and fostering trust throughout the project lifecycle.

Working with Perceptions: Perception is reality in the eyes of stakeholders. Discover how to effectively manage perceptions to align stakeholders' views with project goals. Learn strategies for addressing concerns, adjusting perspectives, and ensuring a cohesive understanding among all involved.

Scope Creep Management: Scope creep can derail even the most well-planned projects, often fueled by emotional decisions rather than rational ones. Gain insights into identifying early signs of scope creep and strategies for addressing it head-on, ensuring your project stays on track and within boundaries.

Why This Module Is Essential:

Projects are more than tasks and timelines; they're a blend of goals, expectations, and, most importantly, people. "Emotions of Projects" equips you with the emotional intelligence skills needed to navigate the human aspects of project management. By understanding and managing the emotional undercurrents, you can lead your projects to success with empathy, clarity, and resilience.

Join us in Module 6 to master the art of managing the emotional dimensions of projects, ensuring your consulting endeavors are not just successful, but also harmonious and fulfilling.


Module 6: Mastering Communications & Feedback

In the dynamic landscape of business application consulting, the power of effective communication and the art of feedback cannot be overstated. Module 7, "Communications & Feedback," is designed to elevate your consulting practice by honing your communication skills and embracing the transformative power of constructive feedback. This module is your guide to becoming not just a consultant, but a compelling communicator and a receptive listener, essential traits for success in this field.

What You'll Explore:

Communication Success: At the heart of every successful consulting project lies effective communication. Discover the key principles that underpin successful communication, from clarity and conciseness to empathy and engagement. Learn how to tailor your messaging to different audiences, ensuring your ideas are not just heard but understood and acted upon.

Effective Presentations: Whether you're pitching a new project or presenting findings to stakeholders, the ability to deliver effective presentations is crucial. This section dives into the art and science of crafting presentations that captivate and convince. From structuring your content to mastering the delivery, learn how to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Asking for Constructive Feedback: Growth and improvement in the consulting world are fueled by feedback. Learn how to solicit, receive, and implement constructive feedback, turning insights into action. This part of the module focuses on developing a positive mindset towards feedback, viewing it as a valuable tool for personal and professional development.

Why This Module Is Essential:

Effective communication and the ability to engage with feedback are the hallmarks of exceptional consultants. "Communications & Feedback" is more than just a module; it's a transformative journey that will equip you with the skills to express your ideas with confidence, engage with clients and stakeholders on a deeper level, and continuously evolve through feedback. Embrace this journey to not only enhance your consulting practice but to foster stronger, more meaningful connections in every aspect of your professional life.

Join us in Module 7 and unlock the full potential of your communication and feedback skills, setting the stage for unparalleled success in the competitive world of business finance consulting.



Module 8: Navigating Through Conflict with Grace and Strategy

 Conflict is an inevitable part of any business, particularly in the high-stakes world of finance consulting. Module 8, "Dealing with Conflict," offers a deep dive into understanding, managing, and resolving conflicts in a way that not only preserves but can enhance business relationships. This module is crafted to empower you with the knowledge and tools to approach conflict not as a barrier but as an opportunity for growth and understanding.

What You'll Discover:

Elements of Conflict: Begin with a foundational understanding of what constitutes conflict in the consulting environment. Explore the various forms conflict can take, from interpersonal disagreements to project-based clashes, and learn to identify the underlying causes. This knowledge sets the stage for effective conflict resolution strategies.

Understanding Risks: Every conflict carries potential risks to relationships, projects, and business outcomes. Gain insights into assessing these risks proactively, allowing you to weigh the consequences of conflicts and strategize your approach to managing them. This section helps you navigate conflicts with an eye towards minimizing negative impacts.

Pro-active Conflict Management: Learn how to take a proactive stance in managing conflicts, preventing escalation and fostering a culture of open communication. Discover techniques for early conflict detection, intervention, and the importance of setting clear expectations to mitigate misunderstandings before they arise.

Understanding Key Processes to Resolving Conflict: Delve into the methodologies and processes that facilitate effective conflict resolution. From negotiation and mediation to collaborative problem-solving, this part of the module equips you with practical tools and strategies to navigate conflicts towards a positive resolution, ensuring all parties feel heard, respected, and valued.

Why This Module Is Essential:

"Dealing with Conflict" is more than just a module; it's a critical skill set for any successful consultant in the business finance sector. By understanding and effectively managing conflict, you can turn challenges into opportunities for strengthening relationships, enhancing communication, and driving project success. This module prepares you to approach conflicts with confidence, empathy, and strategic insight, ensuring you can lead your projects and teams through turbulent times with grace and professionalism.

Join us in Module 8 to master the art of conflict resolution, and take a significant step forward in your journey towards becoming an exceptional consultant who navigates challenges with ease and fosters a positive, collaborative environment for all involved.



Module 9: Essential Survival Tips for Thriving Consultants

In the fast-paced and competitive world of business application consulting, staying ahead requires not just expertise in your field but also savvy management of your personal and professional life. Module 9, "Survival Tips for Consultants," is meticulously designed to equip you with a comprehensive toolkit for navigating the challenges and opportunities you'll encounter on your journey to success. From managing priorities and finances to maintaining a polished professional image, this module covers all the bases.

What You'll Learn:

Managing Priorities: Discover strategies for effective time management and prioritization that enable you to juggle client demands, project deadlines, and personal commitments without missing a beat. Learn how to set realistic goals, identify high-impact activities, and use tools and techniques to stay focused and productive.

-Navigating Finances: Dive into the essentials of managing your finances as a consultant, including understanding and improving your credit score, smart handling of travel expenses, and keeping your personal finances in check. This section provides practical advice for financial planning and management to ensure your consulting practice is both profitable and sustainable.

Professional Dress and Image: In the consulting business, your appearance and how you present yourself can significantly impact your professional relationships and opportunities. Gain insights into dressing for success, understanding the nuances of professional attire across different settings, and tips for creating a versatile, professional wardrobe that communicates confidence and competence.

Maintaining a Professional Image on Social Media: In today's digital age, your online presence is an extension of your professional brand. Learn how to curate and maintain a professional image on social media, leveraging platforms to showcase your expertise, engage with your industry community, and build a positive reputation that attracts clients and opportunities.

Why This Module Is Essential:

"Survival Tips for Consultants" is your guide to not just surviving but thriving in the consulting world. This module addresses the critical, often overlooked aspects of a consultant's life that can make the difference between burnout and balance, struggle and success. By mastering these essential survival tips, you'll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the consulting profession, maintain your well-being, and achieve your goals with confidence and integrity.

Join us in Module 9 to unlock the secrets to a successful, sustainable consulting career, ensuring you're prepared to face the challenges and seize the opportunities that come your way with poise and professionalism.



Module 10: Pulling It All Together - Mastering the Art of Exceptional Consulting

As you approach the culmination of this transformative journey with Exceptional Transformations, Module 9, "Pulling It All Together," is designed to weave the rich tapestry of skills, knowledge, and insights you've gathered from the preceding modules into a cohesive whole. This module is not just a summary; it's a celebration of your growth and a roadmap for your future as an exceptional consultant in the competitive world of business finance.

What You'll Achieve:

Integration of Key Lessons: Revisit the core lessons from each module, understanding how each element—from establishing strong client relationships to navigating conflicts, managing priorities, and maintaining a professional image—integrates to form the foundation of exceptional consulting.

Holistic Consulting Approach: Discover how to apply the comprehensive skill set you've developed in a synchronized manner, ensuring you're not just addressing individual aspects of consulting in isolation but are leveraging them in harmony to enhance your effectiveness and impact.

Strategic Application: Learn strategies for applying your knowledge and skills in various scenarios, ensuring you're equipped to handle the complexities and dynamics of the consulting world with agility and confidence. This section focuses on real-world application, preparing you for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Future Growth and Development: Embark on a path of continuous improvement and lifelong learning. Understand the importance of staying current with industry trends, expanding your skill set, and seeking opportunities for professional development to maintain your edge as an exceptional consultant.

Why This Module Is Essential:

"Pulling It All Together" is more than just a conclusion; it's a launching pad for your continued success and evolution as a consultant. This module ensures that the journey you've embarked on with Exceptional Transformations doesn't end here but continues to influence your professional life, empowering you to achieve and exceed your goals. It reinforces the idea that mastery isn't a destination but a continuous journey of growth, adaptation, and excellence.

Join us in Module 10 to reflect on your journey, integrate your learnings, and step forward with the confidence of a truly exceptional consultant, ready to make a significant impact in the business application world. Embrace this opportunity to consolidate your skills, celebrate your achievements, and prepare for the exciting challenges and opportunities that await.

Module 11: Bonus Material - Elevating Your Consulting Mastery

Welcome to the treasure trove of Module 11, "Bonus Material." This unique collection is where you'll find an ever-expanding library of short video clips, each designed to enrich your understanding and application of success principles and consulting skills. As you've navigated through the course, you've built a solid foundation. Now, it's time to add layers of depth and nuance to your consulting prowess.

Why Bonus Material Matters
In the dynamic world of consulting, continuous learning is not just an advantage; it's a necessity. This module is crafted to ensure you stay ahead of the curve, offering fresh insights, innovative strategies, and real-world wisdom that transcends traditional learning. Whether you're looking for inspiration, a new perspective, or practical tips to apply to your consulting practice, you'll find it here.

What You'll Discover
Success Principles: Dive into the core principles that have propelled the most successful consultants to the top of their game. Learn how to integrate these principles into your own approach for enhanced effectiveness and impact.
Advanced Consulting Skills: Elevate your skill set with advanced techniques and strategies that can help you navigate complex consulting challenges. From mastering client communication to strategic problem-solving, these clips are designed to refine and advance your consulting capabilities.
Inspirational Insights: Sometimes, a spark of inspiration can ignite the most profound transformation. Discover motivational insights and stories from leading consultants who have made remarkable strides in the business and finance sectors.

Continuously Updated Content
The world of consulting is always evolving, and so is this module. As new material and videos become available, we'll add them here, ensuring you have access to the latest and most relevant content to support your growth and success in the consulting field.

Your Invitation to Explore
We encourage you to dive into these resources, explore at your own pace, and revisit often. Each video clip is a gem, packed with valuable insights waiting to be uncovered and applied to your consulting journey.

Welcome to Module 11, where your commitment to learning and excellence continues to be rewarded. Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible in your consulting career.


Elevate Your Consulting Game:

Enroll in Our Consulting Skills Course Today and Transform Your Career!

"Steve's learning platform is exceptional—a concise and effective program for honing leadership skills and enhancing performance. Through his guidance, I've become more professional, adept at time management, and skilled at seeking and implementing feedback. The positive responses I've received from clients and peers speak volumes about the impact of Steve's coaching. He's not just a coach but also a mentor, always available to offer assistance and support whenever needed. Working with Steve has been invaluable in my journey towards becoming a better leader. "

Dax Patel
Senior ERP Consultant

"Steve's presentation content resonated deeply with me, addressing aspects of my life and career that were lacking. Before completing the program, I secured a new role as a Solution Architect—an achievement I once deemed unattainable. Steve's program instilled the confidence I needed to pursue this opportunity. Goal setting has become a cornerstone of my daily routine, and reciting affirmations boosts my confidence to face challenges head-on. Regular feedback and improvement are now integral parts of my professional journey. He's not only an exceptional teacher and coach but also a wonderful mentor who has propelled my career to new heights. I am forever grateful to Steve for helping me discover my true potential."

Ayoola Olaoye
Solution Architect

"Through the sessions with Steve and his encouragement I have become a better consultant. "

Ejiro Oyitso
Solution Architect/Consulting Manager

Elevate Your Consulting Game:

Enroll in Our Consulting Skills Course Today and Transform Your Career!


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